Immersion 2021

A regency inspired pattern featuring cordyline, scallop shells, gorse, New Zealand Flax, sea thrift, sea holly and sea grass.

Regency Sennen Pattern

Before I begin, let me explain what Immersion is. Immersion is a surface pattern design course developed and presented by Bonnie Christine, with whom I embarked upon my surface pattern design journey (that word!) back in Bonnie’s CreativeLive days.

Immersion is a great course for beginners and established artists alike, but especially brilliant for its comprehensive, yet relevant, Adobe Illustrator training it provides. I thought I already knew enough about Illustrator, but it turns out that one, I didn’t and two, most of what I was doing, I was doing wrong! I created a beautiful contemporary pattern collection, Sennen Beach as a result of this course and it taught me so, so much. You can also find Bonnie at Skillshare Inc.


Queen’s Jubilee


Primitive Antiques